Exam-over Celebration Cake

Long time no see!

Thanks to the half-yearly exams, I was kept away from blogging. But now that they are over (finally!), I am back to blogging on a more regular basis.

I know that I promised myself to keep the blog strictly about writing, but then there are some things (read sickening exam hangovers) which only a cake dark chocolate cake with a nice sweet vanilla frosting can fix.

The world suddenly seems a better, sweeter place to live in, doesn’t it?

I know the cake is not perfect, and let’s not even talk about the pictures. But then, one can surely cut some slack for a 15-year old with no knowledge or talent in photography whatsoever.

The recipe is from my favourite baking blog, Sweetapolita. This cake is not there on her blog, but I have combined two of her (and my) favourites: one-bowl chocolate cake and whipped vanilla frosting.

Though baking of cakes has always come easily to me (barring once when I enveloped the whole house in a not-so-pleasant odour of burnt cake and that one time when I ended up with a hard-as-stone cake), icing is not something I am very good at.

After a number of failed attempts which resulted in runny frostings and gained ounces, I can finally say that I have (almost) perfected the whole process. And considering this comes shortly before my sweet sixteen, it is indeed an icing on the cake (literally!).

I love the rustic look of the cake. And though I adore fancy decorations, there are times when I just crave a simple vanilla-spotty vintage cake.

Share the sweetness!


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